Selifonova E. I. |
Saratov State University |
Semenov K. T. |
Institute for Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Semenov Sergei Leonidovich |
Voronezh State University |
Semenov Alexey Aleksandrovich |
Sanct-Petersburg State Architectural- Universit |
Semenov D. A. |
S. P. Korolyov Samara State Aerospace University |
Senitsky Yu. E. |
Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Sergeev Alexander Nikolaevich |
Saratov State University |
Sergeeva Nadezhda Viktorovna |
Saratov State University |
Sergunova Kristina Anatolievna |
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Research Computing Center |
Sergushichev Aleksei Aleksandrovich |
Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies |
Shabalin Pavel Leonidovich |
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering |
Shabrov Sergey Aleksandrovich |
Voronezh State University |
Shabrykina Natalia Sergeevna |
Saratov State University |
Shagapov Vladislav Shyhulagzamovich |
Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics |
Shakh-Emirov T. N. |
Daghestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia |
Shakirov Iskhander Asgatovich |
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social Pedagogical Technologies and Resources |
Shalyto Anatoly Abramovich |
Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies |
Sharapudinov Idris Idrisovich |
Daghestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia |
Shatalina O. I. |
Locko - bank |
Shatalina Anna Vasilevna |
Saratov State University |
Shchendrigina Olesia P. |
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Mechanics |
Shcherbakov Viktor Innokentievich |
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics |
Shcherbakov Mihail Gennadievich |
Saratov State University |
Sherbokov V. A. |
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SO RAN |
Sherstyukov Vladimir Borisovich |
National Engineering Physics Institute "MEPhI" |
Sherstyukova Olga Vladimirovna |
Moscow Pedagogical State University |
Shevirev Sergey Pavlovich |
Saratov State University |
Shevzova Yulia Vladislavovna |
Saratov State University |
Shieh C.-T. |
Tamkang University |
Shigaeva O.V. |
Saratov State Academy of Law |
Shilovskii Pavel Aleksandrovich |
Saratov State University 1 |
Shindyapin Georgiy Petrovich |
Saratov State University |
Shishkin Andrei Borisovich |
Kuban State University |
Shishkova E. V. |
Saratov State University |
Shlyannikov Valerij Nikolaevich |
Issledovatel'skij centr problem ehnergetiki Kazanskogo nauchnogo centra RAN |
Shlyapkin Alexey S. |
Tyumen State University |
Shmoylov V. I. |
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia |
Sholomov Konstantin Igorevich |
Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control |
Sholomov Konstantin Igorevich |
Saratov State University 1 |
Shuba O. V. |
Institute of applied mathematics and mechanics NASU |
Shukurov Sh. Sh. |
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics |
Shulezhko Olesya Vladimirovna |
Ulyanovsk State University |
Shulga Tatyana Ehrikovna |
Saratov State University |
Shumeeva D. S. |
Voronezh State University |
Shunaev Vladislav Viktorovich |
Saratov State University 1 |
Shurkaeva D. V. |
Volgograd State University |
Siauciunas Darius . |
Siauliai University, Siauliai, Lithuania |
Sidorov Sergei Petrovich |
Saratov State University 1 |
Sidorov Sergei Petrovich |
Saratov State University 1 |
Skobelev Vladimir Vladimirovich |
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |