Guidelines for Authors
1.1. The Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics is published 4 times a year, and it accepts articles with new original results in all the main sections of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science.
1.2. The Journal’s sections correspond to the Catalogue of scientific areas of academic degrees:
01.01.00 – Mathematics;
01.02.00 – Mechanics;
05.13.00 – Computer Science, Computing Equipment and Management.
From 26.03.2019 the list of specialties is as follows:
01.01.01 – Real analysis, Complex analysis, Functional analysis (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.01.02 – Differential equation, Dynamical system and Optimal control (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.01.06 - Mathematical logic, Algebra and Number theory (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.01.07 – Computational mathematics (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.01.09 – Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.02.04 – Solid mechanics (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.02.05 – Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.02.06 – Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment (physical and mathematical sciences);
01.02.08 – Biomechanics (physical and mathematical sciences);
05.13.01 – Systems analysis, Management and data processing (physical and mathematical sciences);
05.13.01 – System analysis, Management and data processing (by branches of knowledge) (physical and mathematical sciences);
05.13.01 – System analysis, Management and data processing (by branches of knowledge) (technical science);
05.13.18 – Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations) Numerical analysis and complex of programs (physical and mathematical sciences);
05.13.18 – Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations) Numerical analysis and complex of programs (technical science).
1.3. The editorial board does not consider articles that:
• Are only application-oriented;
• Have been previously published;
• Have been accepted for publication by other journals.
1.4 The editorial board of the journal follows the published ethics of the journals Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Authors who submit their articles and experts that agree to give a review must comply with ethical standards.
1.5. An article should not exceed 10 pages typeset in LaTeX according to the style guide presented at Acceptance of longer articles is subject to the editorial board approval.
1.6. An article should be carefully proof-read and thoroughly edited.
1.7. The manuscript as a PDF file and the Information.doc file should be sent to the address . The file should retain the structure of the content presentation (see 2.1). Files of pictures and a tex-file of the article can be sent either immediately or after receiving a positive decision about publishing, together with a final pdf-file version of the article.
1.8 All articles are reviewed for originality before being sent for review, which is carried out by the editorial board of the journal, in the textborrowing system RUKONText ( or Antiplagiat.
1.9. All the manuscripts submitted to the editorial board that satisfy the originality criterion and comply with the Journal profile are reviewed (see Manuscript Review Procedure), whereupon the editorial board comes to the decision on the possibility of publishing them in the Journal. In case the decision is favorable the manuscript is subject to scientific and final editing.
1.10. A manuscript directed to the author for improving should be revised and returned at the earliest opportunity. In case the manuscript is delayed for over three months it is considered as a newly submitted manuscript. The edited manuscript should be accompanied by the letters from the authors with answers to all the critical comments and explaining all the changes introduced in the paper. If the manuscript is returned for revision it does not mean that it will be published; upon revision it will be reviewed again.
1.11. The author of the manuscript that has been accepted for publication will receive the editorial board decision and the license agreement. The author should sign and send two copies of the agreement to the address:
Y. V. Shevtsova, Saratov State University, 83, Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, Russia, 410012. Upon being signed at the university one copy of the agreement is returned to the author.
1.12. The date of the manuscript receipt is the date when its final version is received.
1.13. The publication of manuscripts is free.
1.14. Contacts for addressing the editorial board of the series:
• Saratov State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 83, Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, Russia, 410012
• E-mail:
1.15. Managing editor of the series: Yuliya V. Shevtsova.
2. Manuscript Requirements
2.1. Structure (for articles in English):
• In English: a manuscript title, author’s initials and surname, information about the authors (name, surname, ORCID, affiliation, (organization, full postal address), e-mail), abstract, keywords, manuscript text, acknowledgments, sources of funding (if any), references.
• In Russian: UDC index, a manuscript title, authors’ initials and surnames, information about the authors (name, surname, patronymic, scientific degree, appointment, place of employment, organization address, e-mail), abstract, keywords, acknowledgments.
2.2. Information about the article is provided in a separate file (Information.doc): journal section (mathematics, mechanics or computer science), UDC, authors and article title (in Russian and English); information about the authors: Full name (last name, first name and patronymic), e-mail, contact phone (cell or home).
2.3. Abstract requirements.
• Optimal length 200–250 words.
• The abstract should not contain complicated formulas, references to bibliography, its content should not repeat the manuscript title; the abstract should not be filled by general words that do not convey the research essence;
• The abstract should reflect the content of the manuscript maintaining its structure: introduction, aims and objectives, research methods, results, conclusion(s).
A qualified translation of the abstract into English:
• allows foreign scholars to learn the content of the article and determine their interest regardless of the language of the article and the availability of the full text;
• allows non-Russian scientists to overcome the language barrier;
• increases the article citation by foreign colleagues.
2.4. Bibliography and References.
The bibliography should highlight how thoroughly the authors have processed the up-to-date publications on the topic of the article, including foreign sources among them.
Self-citations should not exceed 20% of the Bibliography.
Bibliography list should be typeset according to GOST (standard specification) Р7.0.5-2008 ‘Bibliographic reference’.
The bibliography list should only contain the articles cited in the paper. The sources should be numbered according to the order in which they are referenced in the text. References to unpublished papers are not permitted.
References to Russian sources:
• if a translated version of the paper (book) exists, it should be presented; the translated version can also be described as additional information (in brackets);
• in case there is no translated version, transliteration can be used (, the English translation of the paper (book) title should be given in square brackets; after description, the title of the paper is added in Russian;
• if the described publication has DOI, it should be indicated.
The format samples of different sources and the style guide are presented at
The samples of literature references are: [1]; [1, 2, 4]; [1–5]; [1, theorem 1]); [2, Ch. 5, § 3, lemma 8]); [2, theorem 3; 8, lemma 3].
2.5. Formulas
• Automatic numbering of formulas should be used, whereupon the formula label should contain 3-4 first letters of the author’s surname and the sequence number. Examples: \label{kor_eq1}, \eqref{kor_eq1}.
• Formulas that are not referenced in the text should not be numbered.
2.6. Figures and tables
• Figures should be submitted in files of .eps format, the figure file should feature all the details clearly.
• All images if printed should be full size (the width is 160 mm, picture labels and its caption should be in Times New Roman, 10-11 font size (\small)).
• The caption should be self-sufficient and clear without the text. If the figure contains additional labeling it should be defined.
• If the picture consists of some parts (a, b, etc.), then the caption should contain a description of each part (for example, different parameters).
• Each table should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have a thematic title that briefly states its content. All the columns should have concise and informative subheadings. The units of measurement are specified after a comma.
• Figure captions, designations in figures, table headers and their contents are necessarily presented in two languages – Russian and English.
• Each figure and each table in the text should be referenced in the text.
2.7. Miscellaneous
• While preparing a file it is inadvisable to use new command sequences (introduced by the author while formatting), especially with format functions.
• On no account should the Greek letters and other standard commands be redefined.
• Standard macro package means should be used.
• The manuscripts that do not comply with these rules are not registered in the editorial office and will be returned to the authors without review.
• The manuscripts rejected by the editorial board are not returned.