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  • Notice: Undefined index: und в функции citing_article_block_content() (строка 148 в файле /fs/www/izvestiya/sites/all/modules/custom/citing_an_article/citing_an_article.module).
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Образец для цитирования:

??? Numerical Modelling and the Analysis of Impact of Distortions on OFDM/QAM-signal // Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер. Математика. Механика. Информатика. . Т. , вып. . С. 18-?.


Numerical Modelling and the Analysis of Impact of Distortions on OFDM/QAM-signal


In this work mathematical models of communication channels with various interferences, their influence on constellation diagrams’

points in systems with OFDM/QAM signals are considered, recommendations about channel monitoring are made.

Библиографический список

1. Kiselev V. V., Svetlov M. S. Mathematical model of a

data link of system of digital TV and radio broadcasting.

Collection of works of the international scientific

conference ATM TKI-50, Saratov, 2009, pp. 250–252 (in


2. Kiselev V. V., Lvov A. A., Svetlov M. S. Features

of modeling of single-frequency networks of digital TV

and radio broadcasting of the DVB-T standard. Vestnik

Saratov. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., 2010, no. 4(51), pp. 145–150

(in Russian).

3. Kiselev V. V., Lvov A. A., Svetlov M. S.,

Mukhambetzhanov А. S. Monitoring of channels in

systems with OFDM/QAM signals. Vestnik Saratov.

Gos. Tekhn. Univ., 2010, № 4(50), pp. 13–17 (in


Краткое содержание (на английском языке):