Cite this article as:
Romakina L. N. Finite Closed 5-Loops of Extended Hyperbolic Plane. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2011, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 38-49. DOI:
Finite Closed 5-Loops of Extended Hyperbolic Plane
There are four types of finite closed 5-loops which are invariant by the fundamental group G and singled out on the extended hyperbolic plane H2. It is proved that convex 5-loops belong to two types. The interior of the first type 5-loop coincides with the plane H2 . The 5-loop of the second type allows the partition into two simple loops of three and four dimension. Its interior coincides with the interior of the component of the simple 4-loop. The topological 5-loop properties are researched.
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2. Ромакина, Л.Н. Геометрии коевклидовой и копсевдоевклидовой плоскостей / Л.Н. Ромакина. Саратов: Науч. книга, 2008.