Cite this article as:
Vagarina N. S. Критерии универсальности конечного детерминированного автомата для класса КДА без потери информации. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2005, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 99-?.
Критерии универсальности конечного детерминированного автомата для класса КДА без потери информации
Finite determined machine is one of the most popular mathematical models of complex discrete systems.
In this article possibilities of the application generable set of automate transformation groups are investigated. It is considered relatively to the decision of denumerability problem. Approach to a organization goal-directed behavior problem decision in class of complex discrete systems described by one-to-one transformations (without loss of information) is offer in this scientific work. The main result of this work is definition the form of automate substitutions and conditions of automate universality for complex systems without loss of information.
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