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Ledkov A. S., Dyukov D. I. Research of consequences of tether's jamming in the task of payload delivery from an orbit . Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3, pp. 82-87. DOI:


Research of consequences of tether's jamming in the task of payload delivery from an orbit


In article the off-normal situation of tether's jamming at the decision of the task of payload delivery from an orbit by means of a tether is considered. The mathematical model described the space tether system consisting of the basic space vehicle, the tether and the payload is used. At creation of model the mass and damping properties of the tether weren't considered. It is supposed that basic space vehicle moves on a circle orbit. For a case of the linear law of tether development an influence of jamming of a tether on system motion has been researched. A series of numerical calculations for systems with various parameters has been led. The charts allowing to estimate influence of system's parameters on jamming consequences (a tether breakaway, collision of a tether with basic space vehicle, tether winding on basic space vehicle) have been constructed. On the basis of the analysis of these charts some general conclusions about influence of system's parameters on consequences of this off-normal situation have been formulated. 

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