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Сидоров С. П. Shape-Preserving Linear n-width of Unit Balls in C[0, 1]. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2007, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 33-39. DOI:
Shape-Preserving Linear n-width of Unit Balls in C[0, 1]
Let Dk, k is a natural number or zero, be the k-th differential operator, defined in Ck(X), X = [0, 1], and let C be a cone in Ck(X). Let us denote δnk (A, C)C(X) := Dkf − DkLnfC(X) linear relative n-width of set A ⊂ Ck(X) in C(X) for Dk with constraint C. In this paper we estimate linear relative n-width of some balls in C(X) for Dk with constraint C = {f ∈ Ck(X) : Dkf ≥ 0}.
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