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Клочков Ю. В., Николаев А. П., Киселева Т. А. Stress-strain State of an Elliptical Cylinder with an Ellipsoidal Bottoms of Dissimilar Materials Based FEM. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., , vol. , iss. , pp. 11-?.


Stress-strain State of an Elliptical Cylinder with an Ellipsoidal Bottoms of Dissimilar Materials Based FEM


The algorithm of calculating the construction in the form of an elliptical cylinder with ellipsoidal bottom of different materials based

on the finite element method with the use of scalar and vector fields interpolating movements is described. As part of the sampling

using rectangular curved finite elements with eighteen degrees of freedom in the node. Calculations of a circular cylinder with an

articulated ellipsoid of rotation the verification of the algorithm and shows its effectiveness.


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