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Kim R. P., Romanchuk S. P., Terin D. V., Korchagin S. A. The Use of a Genetic Algorithm in Modeling the Electrophysical Properties of a Layered Nanocomposite. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 217-225. DOI:

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The Use of a Genetic Algorithm in Modeling the Electrophysical Properties of a Layered Nanocomposite


The research proposes an approach to solving the problem of selecting layered nanocomposite components with given electrical properties. The known methods for modeling the nanocomposites electrical characteristics are based on a preliminary analysis of such characteristics as the dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of the materials that make up a nanocomposite. The study proposes an algorithm for the selection of components of a layered nanocomposite using a genetic algorithm. Mathematical modeling of nanocomposite electrical properties is carried out using an effective medium model. We consider composite materials based on nanoporous silicon and partially oxidized porous silicon as an example. We have analyzed the frequency dependences of the dielectric constant and nanocomposite electrical conductivity when interacting with electromagnetic radiation. We have also studied efficiency of the proposed method depending on the rate of convergence and various parameters (mutation coefficient, population size, etc.). We developed a software package for modeling the electrical properties of a nanocomposite using a genetic algorithm. The results of the research can reduce the time and cost of creating new functional materials.


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