Vatulyan Alexandr Ovanesovitsch Russia Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Russia, 344006, Rostov-on-Don, B. Sadovaia str., 105 ProfessorDoctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1993) Author's articles About the Specifics of Identification Thermomechanical Characteristics of Functionally Graded Materials On Some Problems of Reconstruction of Inhomogeneous Pre-Stressed State in Elastic Solids Determination of Attaching Parameters of Inhomogeneous Beams in the Presence of Damping Identification of Properties of Inhomogeneous Plate in the Framework of the Timoshenko Model Studying of Elastoplastic Properties of Coal Specimens Using Indentation Technique On Some Models of Indentation for Functionally-Graded Coatings On the Peculiarities of Solving the Coefficient Inverse Problem of Heat Conduction for a Two-Part Layer