
Modeling of Polymer Fiber Evaporation

Solvent evaporation process from the surface of two-phase polymer solution axisymmetric fiber is analyzed. Fick’s law of mass diffusion was employed under the condition that the solvent diffusion depends upon the solvent concentration according to the Vrentas – Duda free-volume theory. Numerical results are provided for the PAN/DMF fibers of different initial radii that are close to jet radii in electrospinning experiments.

On the Diffusionand Slow Convectionin Slightly Compressible Viscous Fluid

We consider diffusion and slow convection of admixture in slightly compressible viscous fluid, described by the Stokes system, where viscous of fluid depends on the concentration of admixture. The Stokes system suppliedby the diffusionequation with the convective term.We prove for this system the correctnes softheinitial-boundary problem in the limited domain with the homogeneous Dirichlet conditions for the fluid velocity and the homogeneous Neuman condition for the concentration of admixture on the boundary of domain.

Stochastic Simulation of Diffusion Filtering

Formulated and investigated is the system of kinetic equations describing the process of diffusion filtering based on a stochastic approach. The theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution for the case of a continuous density is prove.