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Connections of Nonzero Curvature on Three-dimensional Non-reductive Spaces

When a homogeneous space admits an invariant affine connection? If there exists at least one invariant connection then the space is isotropy-faithful, but the isotropy-faithfulness is not sufficient for the space in order to have invariantconnections. If a homogeneousspace is reductive, then the space admits an invariant connection.Thepurposeoftheworkisadescriptionofthree-dimensionalnon-reductivehomogeneousspaces, admitting invariant affine connections of nonzero curvature only, and the affine connections, curvature and torsion tensors.

Three-dimensional Homogeneous Spaces, Not Admitting Invariant Connections

The purpose of the work is the classification of three-dimensional isotropy-faithful homogeneous spaces, not admitting invariant connections. The local classification of homogeneous spaces is equivalent to the description of effective pairs of Lie algebras. If there exists at least one invariant connection then the space is isotropy-faithful, but the isotropy-faithfulness is not sufficient for the space in order to have invariant connections.