Loewner equation

Value Regions in Classes of Conformal Mappings

The survey is devoted to most recent results in the value region problem over different classes of holomorphic univalent functions represented by solutions to the Loewner differential equations both in the radial and chordal versions. It is important also to present classical and modern solution methods and to compare their efficiency. More details are concerned with optimization methods and the Pontryagin maximum principle, in particular.

Integrals of the Loewner equation with exponential driving function

We consider the qualitative local behavior of trajectories for the ordinary Loewner differential equation with a driving function which is inverse to the exponential function of an integer power. All the singular points and the corresponding singular solutions are described. It is shown that this driving function generates solutions to the Loewner equation which map conformally a half-plane slit along a smooth curve onto the upper half-plane. The asymptotical correspondence between harmonic measures of two slit sides is derived.