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Harmonic Analysis of Operator Semigroups Slowly Varying at Infinity

The article focuses on studying of strongly continuous bounded operator semigroups. In the space of uniformly continuous functions with values inacomplex Banach space weconsider the subspace of integrally vanishing at infinity functions. This subspace includes the subspace of vanishing at infinity functions, but it is wider. We study the properties of the subspace under consideration.

Harmonic Analysis of Periodic at Infinity Functions from Stepanov Spaces

We consider Stepanov spaces of functions defined on R with their values in a complex Banach space. We introduce the notions of slowly varying and periodic at infinity functions from Stepanov space. The main results of the article are concerned with harmonic analysis of periodic at infinity functions from Stepanov space. For this class of functions we introduce the notion of a generalized Fourier series; the Fourier coefficients in this case may not be constants, they are functions that are slowly varying at infinity.