односторонний контакт

A Couple Contact Loading at the Unilateral Contact of Beams

The contact problem for the structure consisting of two beams is considered. The beams have the different lengths and the different variable thicknesses. One end of the shorter beam is clamped coinciding with the hinge dend of the longer beam.The other ends of the beams are free. The given loading is applied to the longer beam. The beams undergo the weak joint bending with the unilateral (receding) contact. There is no friction between the beams.The bending of each beam is described by Bernoulli–Eulermodel.The contact problem is to find the contact loading, i.e.

A Certain Approach to Solving of Some One-Dimensional Contact Problems

The paper deals with the problems of the unbonded contact of beams, strings, circular membranes and plates. A new approach to solving of such problems is suggested. This approach includes the rigorous problem statement, the elementary proof of the uniqueness of solution and the analytical solution construction method. The method is based on the iterative correction of the contact region. A number of examples of this method application are given.