
Instantaneously not Elongated Directors in Three-Dimensional Kinematics of the Coulomb – Mohr Medium

Three-dimensional flows of perfectly plastic medium are considered within the framework of the Coulomb -- Mohr continuum model. The model is to be used in applied problems related to limit states and flows of sands, rocks and any other kind of granular media. The present study is based on a notion of asymptotic directions of the stress tensor and the strain tensor increment and as well on instantaneously not elongated directors which are orthogonal to the asymptotic directions and lie in the plane normal to the intermediate principal stress axis.

Stress of Heavy-Wall Tubing Cylindrical Pipes Taking into Account the Gravity for Materials with Difficult Rheology

Within a method of small parametre the field of stresses of heavy tubing cylindrical pipes is investigated at modelling of a material by the incompressible elasticis viscous-plastic environment. The estimation of influence on size of a plastic zone physicomechanical design parametres is given.

Variable Bending of a Three-layer Rod with a Compressed Filler in the Neutron Flux

The present paper considers variable bending of a three-layer elastoplastic bar with a compressible filler in the neutron flux. To describe kinematic properties of an asymmetric through thickness pack we have accepted the hypotheses of a broken line as follows: Bernoulli’s hypothesis is true in the thin bearing layers; Timoshenko’s hypothesis is true in the compressible through thickness filler with a linear approximation of displacements through the layer thickness. The filler’s work is taken into account in the tangential direction.

One-Demential Automodel Problem about Impact of Rigid Body with Elastoplastic Half-Space

The one-demential automodel problem about impact of rigid body with elastoplastic half-space is considered. In the case of plastic deformation is accumulated inside Riman simple wave is presented. The solution with a possible wave picture, when perturbation in the environment propagate by means of two elastic waves and one plastic simple wave, is shown.