
On Definability of Universal Graphic Automata by Their Input Symbol Semigroups

Universal graphic automaton Atm(G, G′ ) is the universally attracting object in the category of automata, for which the set of states is equipped with the structure of a graph G and the set of output symbols is equipped with the structure of a graph G′ preserved by transition and output functions of the automata. The input symbol semigroup of the automaton is S(G, G′ ) = End G×Hom(G, G′ ). It can be considered as a derivative algebraic system of the mathematical object Atm(G, G′ ) which contains useful information about the initial automaton.

On Problem of Abstract Characterization of Universal Hypergraphic Automata

Hypergraphic automata are automata whose state sets and sets of output symbols are endowed with algebraic structures of hypergraphs preserving by transition and exit functions. Universally attracting objects in the category of hypergraphic automata are automata Atm (H1,H2), where H1 is a hypergraph of the state set, H2 is a hypergraph of the set of output symbols and S = EndH1 × Hom(H1,H2) is a semigroup of input symbols. Such automata are called universal hypergraphic automata.

On Recognition of Languages of Arbitrary words by Finite Semigroups

Based on methods of nonstandard analysis we elaborate in this paper a new approach to the theory of infinite products in finite semigroups. The main theorems of the paper show that infinite products of elements of standard sequences in finite semigroups can be viewed as a two-sided algebraic counterpart of finite products of a special kind. Using these results we construct a universal functor of the category of finite semigroups to the category of finite four-sorted algebras of a special kind and introduce a notion of a language of arbitrary words recognized by finite semigroups.

Abstract Characterization of Semigroups of Input Signals of Universal Planar Automata

Universal planar automata are universally attracted objects in the category of automata, for which sets of states and output signals are endowed with structures of planes. The main results of the paper give us necessary and sufficient conditions under which an arbitrary automaton is isomorphic to a universal planar automaton and an arbitrary semigroup is isomorphic to the semigroup of input signals of a universal planar automata.