преобразование Лапласа.

Dynamical Simple Edge Effect in the Cylindrical Shell with the Edge of Arbitrary Form

The purpose of the article is to generalize the results derived in the cases of a circular shell and of a shell with a cut edge. Non-stationary wave process in a cylindrical shell with an arbitrary edge is considered. Half-geodesic frame is introduced on the middle surface of the shell and dynamical simple edge effect is studied. To find the solution Laplace transform is used while the inverse transform is realized via saddle-point method.

The One-dimensional Problem of Unsteady-related Elastic Diffusion Layer

The problem of determining the stress strain state of an elastic medium, taking into account the structural changes caused by the presence of diffusion fluxes. The influence of diffusion processes on the stress-strain state of the environment is taken into account by using the locally equilibrium model of thermoelastic diffusion, which includes the coupled system of equations of motion of an