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On Control of Motion of a Parametric Pendulum

The paper is devoted to a passive control problem. The problem of control of plane motions of a two-mass parametric pendulum in a uniform gravitational field is considered. The problem is important for and necessary in software design of automated systems for control of mechanisms. In particular, it can be applied to various modeling problems of pendulum motions of mechanical systems. The pendulum is modeled by two equivalent weightless rods with two equivalent point masses moving along the circle centered at the pivot.

Synthesis of Asymptotically Stable Motion of a Robot Arm Manipulator

The paper is about an active control problem. It solves the inverse problem of dynamics and concerns with construction of program motions of non-autonomous mechanical systems. This study is important and necessary in software design of automated systems for control of mechanisms. In particular, it is used in various modeling problems of robot-manipulators. Here, we construct all possible asymptotically stable program motions for a model of robots arm-manipulator, which is simulated by a mechanical system with three degrees of freedom.