starlike tree

On Lower Bound of Edge Number of Minimal Edge 1-Extension of Starlike Tree

For a given graph G with n nodes, we say that graph G∗ is its 1-edge extension if for each edge e of G∗ the subgraph G∗ −e contains graph G up to isomorphism. Graph G∗ is minimal 1-edge extension of graph G if G∗ has n nodes and there is no 1-edge extension with n nodes of graph G having fewer edges than G. A tree is called starlike if it has exactly one node of degree greater than two. We give a lower bound of edge number of minimal edge 1-extension of starlike tree and provide family on which this bound is achieved.

Indices of States in Dynamical System of Binary Vectors Associated with Palms Orientations

Dynamical system of binary vectors associated with palms orientations is considered. A tree is called a palm with s + c edges if it is a union of c + 1 paths with common end vertex and all of these paths except perhaps one (with s edges) have a length 1. The system splits into finite subsystems according to the dimension of states. States of a finite dynamical system (B s+c ,γ) are all possible orientations of a given palm with s + c edges.

T-irreducible Extensions for Starlike Trees

We deal with a sort of optimal extensions of graphs, so called T-irreducible extensions. T-irreducible extension of a graph G is an extension of G obtained by removing a maximal set of edges from the trivial extension of G. A difficult starlike tree is a starlike tree that has at least one difficult node. T-irreducible extensions for nondifficult starlike trees were constructed by M. B. Abrosimov, T-irreducible extensions for palms (one of subclasses of starlike trees) were constructed by S. G. Kurnosova.