
The Effect of Bubbles on the Structure of Flow and the Friction in Upward Turbulent Gas–Liquid Flow

This paper presents the computational study results of the ascending gas-liquid flow local structure in a vertical pipe. The mathematical model is based on the use of two-fluid Eulerian approach taking into account the inverse influence of bubbles on averaged characteristics and turbulence of the carrying phase. The equations conservation of mass and momentum quantity of motion in the form of Navier-Stokes equations averaged over Reynolds for each phase are written down. For turbulent stresses the relations under the assumption of the Boussinesq hypothesis are written.

Numerical Investigation of Spectrums of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Convection

The three-dimensional turbulent convectional flows of viscous and incompressible fluid in a rectangular parallelepiped numerically is simulated at heating from below. The horizontal boundaries are stress-free and isothermal. The calculated time spectrum of temperature pulsations at supercriticality is equal to 410 in centre of convective cell has a good agreement with experimental data for convection in cryogenic He. The Obukhov – Bolgiano spectra k−11/5, k−3 and k−5 have been found for velocity pulsations.