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Cross-Coupled Type-III Thermoelastic Waves of a Given Azimuthal Number in a Waveguide under Sidewall Heat Interchanging

The paper is devoted to a study of cross-coupled type-III generalized thermoelastic waves of a given azimuthal order propagating via a long cylindrical waveguide with circular cross-section. Sidewall of the waveguide is assumed free from tractions and permeable to heat. The study is carried out in the framework of coupled generalized theory of type-III thermoelasticity (GNIII) consistent with the fundamental principles of continuum thermomechanics. The type-III theory combines the both possible mechanisms of heat transfer: thermodiffusion and wave.

Generalized Cross-Coupled Type-III Thermoelastic Waves Propagating via a Waveguide under Sidewall Heat Interchange

The paper is devoted to a study of cross-coupled type-III generalized thermoelastic waves propagation via a long cylindrical waveguide. The sidewall of the waveguide is assumed free from tractions and permeable to heat. The analysis is carried out in the framework of coupled generalized theory of GNIII- thermoelasticity consistent with the basic thermodynamic principles. The theory combines the both possible mechanisms of heat transfer: thermodiffusion and wave.

On Wavenumbers of Plane Harmonic Type III Thermoelastic Waves

The present study is devoted to propagation of plane harmonic GNIII thermoelastic waves by the coupled system of linear equations of motion and heat transport based on the Green & Naghdi theory of thermoelasticity. Analytical findings and exact solutions are primarily related to complex wavenumbers, phase velocities and attenuation coefficients of the plane GNIII-thermoelastic waves. Complete analysis of all analytical branches of the wavenumbers is given.

A mathematical theory of plane harmonic coupled thermoelastic waves in type-I micropolar continua

The present paper is devoted to an analysis of plane harmonic coupled thermoelastic waves of displacements, microrotations and temperature propagating in continua.The analysis is carried out in the framework of linear type-I (GNI/CTE) theory of thermoelastic micropolar continuum. Additional microrotations and moment stresses are taken into consideration. Propagating wave surfaces of weak discontinuities of displacements, microrotations, and temperature are studied by compatibility conditions technique due to Hadamard and Thomas.