
On Classic Solution of the Problem for a Homogeneous Wave Equation with Fixed End-Points and Zero Initial Velocity

The paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions of classic solution for a homogeneous wave equation with a summable potential, fixed end-point, and zero initial velocity. With the use of Fourier method and Krylov method of improving series rate convergence an analogue of d’Alembert formula is derived in the form of exponentially convergent series. The paper essentially supports and extends the results of our work carried out in 2016. The suggested new method, based on the use of divergent (in Euler’s sense) series, is very economical in using well-known mathematical facts.

Value Regions in Classes of Conformal Mappings

The survey is devoted to most recent results in the value region problem over different classes of holomorphic univalent functions represented by solutions to the Loewner differential equations both in the radial and chordal versions. It is important also to present classical and modern solution methods and to compare their efficiency. More details are concerned with optimization methods and the Pontryagin maximum principle, in particular.

Analytic Embedding of Geometries of Constant Curvature on a Pseudosphere

In mathematical studies, the geometries of maximum mobility are important. Examples of such geometries are Euclidean, pseudo-Euclidean, Lobachevsky, symplectic and so on. There is no complete classification of such geometries. They are distinguished as the geometries of the max- imum mobility in general, for example, the geometries from the Thurston list, and the geometries of the local maximum mobility. V. A. Kyrov developed a method for classifying the geometries of local maximum mobility, called the method of embedding.