Computer Sciences

The Development of Software Components for Streaming Audio Content Filtering Through the Use of Hidden Markov Models

The results of the development of efficient algorithms for streaming voice recognition using stochastic models based on the use of hidden Markov models are shown in this work. The article provides basic theoretical information for the hidden Markov model of the discrete system and the necessary parameters to define it are distinguished. Also there are three main tasks considered that need to be solved for the successful application of hidden Markov models in speech recognition systems.

T-irreducible Extensions for Starlike Trees

We deal with a sort of optimal extensions of graphs, so called T-irreducible extensions. T-irreducible extension of a graph G is an extension of G obtained by removing a maximal set of edges from the trivial extension of G. A difficult starlike tree is a starlike tree that has at least one difficult node. T-irreducible extensions for nondifficult starlike trees were constructed by M. B. Abrosimov, T-irreducible extensions for palms (one of subclasses of starlike trees) were constructed by S. G. Kurnosova.