Computer Sciences

Indices of States in Dynamical System of Binary Vectors Associated with Palms Orientations

Dynamical system of binary vectors associated with palms orientations is considered. A tree is called a palm with s + c edges if it is a union of c + 1 paths with common end vertex and all of these paths except perhaps one (with s edges) have a length 1. The system splits into finite subsystems according to the dimension of states. States of a finite dynamical system (B s+c ,γ) are all possible orientations of a given palm with s + c edges.

Adaptive Algorithm of Parametric Synthesis of Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) are connected by means of the boundary conditions and the constraint’s conditions systems of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations with the corresponding initial conditions. Under the parametric synthesis we understand the algorithm for selecting parameters of feedbacks of controlled HDS, providing the required quality of transients.