Computer Sciences

The Dynamical Cause-effect Links’ Presentation in Human-machine Systems

A method of presentation variable cause-effect links for modeling processes in dynamic systems is proposed. Such a representation corresponds to the changing conditions that are associated with the action of many diverse factors that accompany the functioning of complex human-machine systems. The presence or absence of a causal relationship between the individual events in the proposed model is defined as a result of a set of stochastic or deterministic functions.

Method for Analysis of Closed Queueing Networks with Discrete Time, Batch Movements of Customers and Dynamic Control of Service Rates

The closed queueing networks with single class of customers, discrete time and batch movements of customers are considered. Queues include multiple identical servers with geometric distribution of service times. A method for dynamic control of service rates in queues is proposed. The control is realized by use of different service rates during fixed time intervals in process of networks operation. When this method is used in queueing networks of considered type, close to given customer allocation among queueing systems is provided.

The Algorithm for Checking Transitivity of Mappings Associated with the Finite State Machines from the Groups ASp

The paper deals with a question of determining the property of transitivity for mappings defined by finite automata. A criterion of transitivity for mappings defined by finite automata on the words of finite length in terms of finite automata and trees of deterministic functions is presented. It is shown that for finite automata from groups ASp an algorithm can be constructed for checking transitivity. To prove this fact some properties of Abelian groups of permutations are used.