Computer Sciences

Numerical Modelling and the Analysis of Impact of Distortions on OFDM/QAM-signal

In this work mathematical models of communication channels with various interferences, their influence on constellation diagrams’

points in systems with OFDM/QAM signals are considered, recommendations about channel monitoring are made.


Minimal Edge Extensions of Palm Trees

Minimal edge extension of graphs can be regarded as a model of optimal edge fault tolerant implementation of a system. The problem

of finding the minimal edge extensions of an arbitrary graph is NP-complete, that’s why it is of interest to find classes of graphs for

which it is possible to build a minimal edge extension analytically. This paper is about of the one-edge extensions of a graphs from

a special class named palm trees. In this paper presents a kind of one-edge extension for some palm trees and the proof that it is


On the Error of Approximation by Means of Scenario Trees with Depth 1

Let¤n denote the set of scenario trees with depth 1 and n scenarios. LetX = (0 · x1 < . . . < xn · 1) and let¤n(X) denote

the set of all scenario trees of depth 1 with the scenarios X = (0 · x1 < . . . < xn · 1). Let G be a probability distribution

defined on [0, 1] and H be a subset of measurable functions defined on [0, 1]. Let dH,X(G) = inf ˜G∈¤n(X) dH(G, ˜ G) and

dH(G) = inf ˜G∈¤n

dH(G, ˜ G), where dH(G, ˜ G) := suph∈H


R h dG − R h d˜G


. The main goal of the paper is to estimate

The Effectiveness Analysis of Several Parallel Algorithms Based on Simulated Annealing Method of Global Optimization Problem Solving

This article presents the results of the development of a parallel computing system and testing its capabilities applied to solving

scientific and educational problems. Three parallel variants of the simulated annealing algorithm are proposed and implemented

for multiextreme criterion function of two variables with explicit constraints. The reliability and performance of parallel versions of

the algorithm, depending on their parameters and the number of working nodes in parallel computing system, is investigated. It is

Комплексный контроль ресурсов сложных человекомашинных систем

Исследуется природа возникновения аварийных ситуаций и катастроф в сложных человекомашинных системах. В целях комплексной оценки и прогнозирования аварийных ситуаций предлагается рассматривать ресурс системы в виде набора показателей, включающего человеческие ресурсы и ресурсы машин. Прогнозирование аварий предлагается осуществлять с проверкой логических условий безопасности, которые объединяют разнородные ресурсы системы.