
Cohomology of Lie algebra of vector fields on S1/Z2

 In the present paper we calculate the diagonal cohomology of Lie algebra of vector fields on S1/Z2 with coefficients in the space of smooth functions and 1-forms, one-dimensional and two-dimensional cohomology with coefficients in R. 

Cohomology of the Lie Algebra of Vector Fields on Some One-dimensional Orbifold

I. M. Gelfand and D. B. Fuchs have proved that the cohomology algebra of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the unit circle is

isomorphic to the tensor product of the polynomial ring with one generator of degree two and the exterior algebra with one generator

of degree three. In the present paper the cohomology of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the one-dimensional orbifold S1/Z2 are

studied. S1/Z2 is the orbit space under the Z2 group action on the unit circle by reflection in the Ox axis. It has been proved that