стабильная толерантность

Morphismes Based on Compatible Tolerances of Finite Automata

It is suggested a method of a construction with the help of some triple of tolerances defined on the sets of states, input and output symbols of an finite definite automaton an another automaton which is connected with the original automaton by a certain morphism.
Considered construction generalizes the known method of finding of the homomorphic images of an automaton with the help of a triple of equivalences, which satisfies to the certain conditions.

Ordered automata and tolerant images of FDA

Finite deterministic automaton (FDA) with partially ordered (an ordered automaton) sets of states, input and output symbols is described in the article. The mapping of FDA on an ordered automaton, which is named "p-morphism" is defined. It is shown that so called tolerant images, which are constructed with the help of compatible tolerances on the set of states of FDA, are particular case of ordered automata, which are connected with the original automaton by a p-morphism.