параметрический синтез

Adaptive Algorithm of Parametric Synthesis of Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) are connected by means of the boundary conditions and the constraint’s conditions systems of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations with the corresponding initial conditions. Under the parametric synthesis we understand the algorithm for selecting parameters of feedbacks of controlled HDS, providing the required quality of transients.

Выбор оптимальных параметров комбинированных динамических систем

Предложено новое доказательство некоторых теорем об устойчивостикомбинированныхдинамическихсистемиразвитметод ихпараметрическогосинтезанапримерезадачиопрограммном развороте космического аппарата наблюдения. 

Parametrical synthesis of stabilization systems

 Method of feedback parameters selection for gas jet stabilization systems with elastic roads, based on minimizing the mean square deviation of the real frequency response of the designed system with respect to the real desired frequency response, was implemented. The results of analysis of transient errors stabilization functions, taking into account the effect of time delay in gas jet executive stabilization systems are given.