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Lomovtseva E. I., Chelnokov Y. N. Dual matrix and biquaternion methods of solving direct and inverse kinematics problems of manipulators for example Stanford robot arm. II . Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 88-95. DOI:


Dual matrix and biquaternion methods of solving direct and inverse kinematics problems of manipulators for example Stanford robot arm. II


The methology of solving the inverce kinematics problem of manipulators by using biquaternion theory of kinematics control is shown on the example of Stanford robot arm. Solving of the inverce kinematics problem of Stanford robot arm is performed using the simplest control law. The analysis of numerical solution results is made. The efficacy of applying the theory of kinematics control for solving the inverce kinematics problem of manipulators is proved. Dual matrix and biquaternion methods of solving direct kinematics problem of manipulators were considered in [1]. 

1. Lomovtseva E. I., Chelnokov Yu. N. Dual Matrix
and Biquaternion Methods of Solving Direct and Inverse
Kinematics Problems of Manipulators, for Example
Stanford Robot Arm. I. Izv. Saratov. Univ. (N. S.), Ser.
Math. Mech. Inform., 2013, vol. 13, no. 4. pp. 82–89 (in Russian).
2. Chelnokov Yu. N. Biquaternion Solution of the
Kinematic Control Problem for the Motion of a Rigid
Body and Its Application to the Solution of Inverse
Problems of Robot-Manipulator Kinematics. Mechanics of
Solids [Izv. RAN. Mehanika tverdogo tela], 2013, vol. 48, no. 1. pp. 31–46.
3. Fu K. S., Gonzalez R. C. ,Lee C. S. G. Robotics :Control, Sensing, Vision, and Intelligence. McGraw-Hill,
Inc, 1987, 580 p.
4. Chelnokov Yu. N. Kvaternionnye i bikvaternionnye
modeli i metody mehaniki tverdogo tela i ih prilozhenija.
Geometrija dvizhenija [Quaternion and Biquaternion
Models and Methods of Mechanics of a Rigid Body and
their Applications. Geometry of Motion.] Saratov, Saratov
Univ. Press, 2006, 236 p. (in Russian)
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