Cite this article as:
Radaev Y. N. Rotational Invariance of Non-Linear Lagrangians of Type-II Micropolar Thermoelastic Continuum. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 96-102. DOI:
Rotational Invariance of Non-Linear Lagrangians of Type-II Micropolar Thermoelastic Continuum
The paper contains new results related to extension of the field theoretical approach and its formalism to non-linear coupled
micropolar thermoelastic media. A mathematical model of micropolar (MP) type-II (GNII) thermoelastic (TE) continuum is considered.
A formulation of the least thermoelastic action principle is discussed. Partial differential equations subsequent to the least action
principle are derived. The translational symmetries of non-linear Lagrangians are adopted. Those include an additional symmetry:
translations of the thermal displacement. The rotational invariance of the action and corresponding Lagrangian is then studied. For
micropolar type-II thermoelastic Lagrangians following the usual procedure independent rotationally invariant functional arguments
are obtained. Objective forms of the Lagrangians satisfying the frame indifference principle are given.
Key words:
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