Cite this article as:
Akulich Y. V., Akulich A. Y., Bryukhanov P. A., Denisov A. S. The Cortical Bone Tissue Controlled Recovering After Treatment in the External Fixation Apparatuses. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2011, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 50-59. DOI:
The Cortical Bone Tissue Controlled Recovering After Treatment in the External Fixation Apparatuses
The paper represents the new bone tissue rehabilitation method. The rehabilitation control loads are affected to the regenerative lower extremity by the use of a special training device. The adaptive changes of the elasticity modulus, porosity, volumetric mineral content and strengthening of the cortical bone tissue are simulated during the union of a bone using the external fixation apparatus (by example of the Ilizarov’s pin apparatus) and the following rehabilitation time. The new constitutive equation of the adaptive change of the volumetric mineral content (<<rheological adaptation>> from I.V. Knets) is proposed. The evaluation of the external, internal and rheological adaptations investments at the change of the elasticity modulus has been performed. The typical conditions of the rehabilitation loads in training device have been searched. The high level of the cortical bone tissue strengthening has been determined under all rehabilitation load conditions.
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