
Explicit Models for Flexural Edge Waves in Thin Orthotropic Plates

Analysis of flexural edge wave propagation in thin plates is presented. Several problems of semi-infinite plates vibrations are solved. These plates are assumed to be orthotropic. Some basic features of flexural edge wave propagation are found using the constructed explicit parabolic-ellipticmodels. They extract the localized wave contribution into the overall solution.

Explicit Models for Flexural Edge and Interfacial Waves in Thin Isotropic Plates

Exact solutions for problems of vibrations of isotropic thin elastic plates are presented in the work. Some basic principles of explicit dual parabolic-elliptic models for flexural edge and interfacial waves propagation are revealed. The obtained explicit models extract the contribution of the flexural wave into the full dynamic response. Also, these models reveal a dual parabolic-elliptic nature of the flexural edge and interfacial waves.

The new approach to investigation of multilayer graphene mechanical properties by the finite-element method

A new approach to investigate the mechanical properties of multilayer graphene was suggested. The method is based on the idea that the van der Waals interaction between the graphene sheets can be simulated by a fictitious layer of continuum. The stress-strain state of multilayer graphene is described by stationary equations of Navier–Lame. This approach has been successfully tested on graphene deflection. The graphene layers were considered as linear-elastic material.