Fourier method

On Classic Solution of the Problem for a Homogeneous Wave Equation with Fixed End-Points and Zero Initial Velocity

The paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions of classic solution for a homogeneous wave equation with a summable potential, fixed end-point, and zero initial velocity. With the use of Fourier method and Krylov method of improving series rate convergence an analogue of d’Alembert formula is derived in the form of exponentially convergent series. The paper essentially supports and extends the results of our work carried out in 2016. The suggested new method, based on the use of divergent (in Euler’s sense) series, is very economical in using well-known mathematical facts.

Substantiation of Fourier Method in Mixed Problem with Involution

In this paper the mixed problem for the first order differential equation with involution is investigated. Using the received specified asymptotic formulas for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the corresponding spectral problem, the application of the Fourier method is substantiated. We used techniques, which allow to transform a series representing the formal solution on Fourier method, and to prove the possibility of its term by term differentiation. At the same time on the initial problem data minimum requirements are imposed.

The Mixed Problem for the Differential Equation with Involution and Potential of the Special Kind

For the solution of some mixed problem with involution and real symmetrical potential, explicit analytical formula has been found with the use of the Fourier method. Techniques allowing to avoid term-byterm differentiation of the functional series and impose the minimum conditions for initial problem data, are used.

Modeling of Motion of the Complex Elastic System

The purpose of article is a receipt of mathematical model of motion of the complex elastic system. The normal modes and frequencies are searched by decomposition of vibrations on the modes of stationary elements of the system. It allows to transform partial differential equations of motion in ordinary differential equations. The motion of a space craft which consists of elastic large size elements (solar panels) is modeled.

Resolvent Approach to Fourier Method in a Mixed Problem for Non-homogeneous Wave Equation

Fourier method of obtaining classic solution is being justified in a mixed problem for non-homogeneous wave equation with a complex potential and fixed boundary conditions under minimal conditions on initial data. The proof is based on resolvent approach which does not need any information on eigen and associated functions of the corresponding spectral problem. 

A Mixed Problem for a System of First Order Differential Equations with Continuous Potential

We study a mixed problem for a first order differential system with two independent variables and continuous potential when the initial condition is an arbitrary square summable vector-valued function. The corresponding spectral problem is the Dirac system. It sets the convergence almost everywhere of a formal decision, obtained by the Fourier method. It is shown that the sum of a formal decision is a generalized solution of a mixed problem, understood as the limit of classical solutions for the case of smooth approximation of the initial data of the problem.

Justification of Fourier Method in a Mixed Problem for Wave Equation with Non-zero Velocity

In the paper, using contour integration of the resolvent of the corresponding spectral problem operator, justification of Fourier method in two mixed problems for wave equation with trivial initial function and non-zero velocity is given. The boundary conditions of these problems, together with fixed endpoint conditions, embrace all cases of mixed problems with the same initial conditions for which the corresponding spectral operators in Fourier method have regular boundary conditions. The problems are considered under minimal requirements on initial data. A. N.

Classical solution by the Fourier method of mixed problems with minimum requirements on the initial data

The article gives a new short proof the V. A. Chernyatin theorem about the classical solution of the Fourier method of the mixed problem for the wave equation with fixed ends with minimum requirements on the initial data. Next, a similar problem for the simplest functional differential equation of the first order with involution in the case of the fixed end is considered, and also obtained definitive results. These results are due to a significant use of ideas A. N. Krylova to accelerate the convergence of series, like Fourier series.

Mixed problem for simplest hyperbolic first order equations with involution

In this paper investigates the mixed problem for the first order differential equation with involution at the potential and with periodic boundary conditions. Using the received refined asymptotic formulas for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the corresponding spectral problem, the application of the Fourier method is substantiated. We used techniques, which allow to avoid investigation of the uniform convergence of the series, obtained by term by term differentiation of formal solution on method of Fourier.