геометрический граф

On Recovering Differential Pencils on a Bush-type Graph

We study the inverse problem of spectral analysis for differential pencils on a bush-type graph, which is an arbitrary compact graph with one cycle. We pay the main attention to the most important nonlinear inverse problem of recovering coefficients of differential equations provided that the structure of the graph is known a priori. We use the standard matching conditions in the interior vertices and Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in the boundary vertices.

The Theorem on Equiconvergence for the Integral Operator on Simplest Graph with Cycle

The paper deals with integral operators on the simplest geometric two-edge graph containing the cycle. The class of integral operators with range of values satisfying continuity condition into internal node of graph is described. The equiconvergence of expansions in eigen and adjoint functions and trigonometric Fourier series is established.