
Construction of All Minimal Edge Extensions of the Graph with Isomorphism Rejection

In 1993 Frank Harary and John P. Hayes proposed a graph model for investigating edge fault tolerance of discrete systems. The technical system is mapped to a graph. The elements of the system correspond to the vertices of the graph, and links between the elements correspond to edges or arcs of the graph. Failure of a system element refers to the removal of the corresponding vertex from the system graph along with all its edges. The formalization of a fault tolerant system implementation is the extension of the graph.

Construction of All Nonisomorphic Minimal Vertex Extensions of the Graph by the Method of Canonical Representatives

In 1976 John P. Hayes proposed a graph model for investigating the fault tolerance of discrete systems. The technical system is mapped to a graph. The elements of the system correspond to the vertices of the graph, and links between the elements correspond to edges or arcs of the graph. Failure of a system element refers to the removal of the corresponding vertex from the system graph along with all its edges. Later together with Frank Harary the model was extended to links failures. The formalization of a fault-tolerant system implementation is the extension of the graph.

On Optimization of Reconfiguration Procedure in Multiprocessor Systems

Some questions concerned to organization of programming procedure being optimized in accordance with a number of parameters for multiprocessor fault-tolerant system’s components in cosideration with compensation by properly functioned components of possible faults are reviewed in the paper. An algorithm to form a subsets of processor elements is developed and an anayitic expressions allow to reduce the time or hardware spendings in such systems are produced.