queueing networks

An Analysis Method of Open Queueing Networks with a Degradable Structure and Instantaneous Repair Times of Systems

An unreliable open queueing network with Poisson arrivals is considered. For each queueing system the service and failures times are exponentially distributed random variables. The failures of systems lead to changes in the structure of the network and corresponding changes in the performance measures of the queueing network. It is assumed that the times between changes in the network structure are sufficient for the steady-state regime. The main measure of the quality for the network at each structure constancy interval is the average response time.

Analysis of Heterogeneous Queueing Networks with Batch Movements of Customers

Closed exponential queueing network with different classes of customers and batch movements is considered. To model evolution of given network Markov chains are used. Two approaches to stationary distribution calculation for given type queueing networks are presented. Formulas for basic stationary characteristics are given.

Method for Analysis of Queueing Networks with Dynamic Control of Service Rates

Model of evolution and a method for analysis of closed exponential queueing networks with dynamic control of service rates are proposed. A method of computing of the stationary distribution and formulas for calculating of stationary characteristics of the networks are presented. An example of analysis of considered type queueing network is given. According to the results of analysis and simulation of this network the accuracy of this method is sufficient for practical application.

Dynamic load allocation in closed queueing networks with batch movements

A method of load allocation control in closed queueing networks with batch movements is proposed. When this method is used in queueing networks of considered type, close to given customer allocation among queueing systems is provided. The control is realized by use of different routing matrices during fixed time intervals in process of network operation. Models of evolution and an approximate method of computing a stationary distribution and other stationary characteristics of considered type queueing networks are presented.


A Method of Routing Control in Queueing Networks with Changing Topology

Closed exponential queueing networks with changing topology are considered. A method of routing control in given type queueing networks is proposed. 

Queueing networks with batch movements of customers, blocking and clusters

 Two types queueing networks with batch movements of customers – networks with blocking and networks with clusters are investigated. Product form stationary distribution for networks with blocking of transitions in states, in which the number of customers in queueing systems exceeds given values, is derived. For queueing networks with disjoint clusters of systems the problem of analyzing is solved and the product form stationary distribution is found. Examples of analysis of the network with blocking and the network with clusters are presented. 

Analysis of closed unreliable queueing networks with batch movements of customers

 Closed unreliable queueing network with batch movements is considered. The main result of the paper is the steady state distribution for given type queueing networks.