
Electornic Publications and Scientific-Educational Resources of the Internet

The paper presents current developments and trends in electronic publications in Russia and abroad. It is explained why authors may find it useful to publish their papers and books online. Web addresses with brief descriptions of major mathematics and physics Internet resources are given. Suggestions are offered for the development of scientific online resources in Russia.

The One-Dimensional Micropolar Theory of Elastic Rods Basic Parities Construction

The reduction from a three-dimensional problem of the asymmetrical theory of elasticity to one-dimensional by means of splitting a three-dimensional problem on set of two-dimentional and one-dimensional problems is carried out. Kinematic parameters with which it is necessary to involve are specified that together with system Kirchoff differential equations to receive the closed system of the equations of the one-dimensional micropolar theory of cores. Other geometrical sizes are found from parities defining them.

The Stabilization of Program Motions of Firm Body on a Moving Platform

We consider firm body with fixed point on a moving platform. We solve the problem of construction asimptotically stability programm motion. The programm motion can be any function. Control is received in the form the analytical solution. We solve the problem of stabilization by the direct Lyapunov’s method and the method of limiting functions and systems. In this case we can use the Lyapunov’s functions having constant signs derivatives.

Chaotic Motion of Nonlinear System

Chaotic motion of a body of the blunted form in an atmosphere described is considered by the nonlinear differential equation of the second order. On a body the restoring moment, the small perturbed periodic moment and the damped moment operates. The phase portrait of the unperturbed system has points of unstable balance. On the basis of Melnikov method the criteria determining borders of chaos of system are found. The results of the numerical simulations confirming validity, received criterion are submitted.