
Flow a Round Cylinder by Waves Extending on the Viscous Liquid Surface

Some marine hydro technical constructions have such support elements as piles in the form of vertical round cylinders. Questions about the incident wave’s interaction with such barriers and identification of wave regime on the fenced water areas has as the theoretical as the practical concern.We shall consider the motion of liquid, caused by the interaction of incoming gravitational wave, spreading on the surface of the viscous incompressible liquid coat with an infinitely long round cylinder. The problem was solved for the case of small oscillations.

Calculation of Meteoroids Masses by Approximating the Trajectories

At processing meteor observations the outdated and insufficiently reliable methods are commonly used. In particular, the finding outward-atmospheric meteoroid masses comes from the luminosity without providing any estimates of accuracy for calculations. However, in recent years a variety of new dynamics methods has been developed that quite good describe a motion of meteoroids in atmosphere, as well as changing their parameters. In this article, these methods were used by the author to obtain outwardatmospheric masses of meteoroids from the data of European Fireball Network.

The Stress-strain State of Elastomeric Constructions under Conditions of Abrasive Fatigue Wear

In this paper the mathematical model of the deformation process of elastomeric elements of constructions with regard abrasive fatigue failure has been proposed. Due to the specific properties of material the stiffness matrix of finite element based on the finite element moment scheme for weakly compressible materials. To increase the accuracy of solutions has been envisaged the receipt of expressions for deformations on the base of adding the initial linear approximating polynomial to complete cubic polynomial.

Influence Topology on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotorov: Predictive Modeling

In this paper the results of theoretical studies of the effect of topological features of the mechanical properties of carbon nanotori are presented. Numerical analysis of the atomic structure and properties of the objects was carried out by the molecular dynamics and quantum tight-binding method. Conclusions about the stability of the investigated nanotori were made on the base of the results of calculations of the enthalpy of the reaction. The first calculations of the elastic modulus carbon nanotori are presented.