Computer Sciences

Analysis of closed unreliable queueing networks with batch movements of customers

 Closed unreliable queueing network with batch movements is considered. The main result of the paper is the steady state distribution for given type queueing networks. 

On upper bound of vertex distinguishing word length on vertex labeled graph

The problem of vertex distinguishing on vertex labeled graphs is considered. Two vertices are called distinguishable if associated languages over the alphabet of labels are different. A linear upper bound of vertex distinguishing word length equal to half the number of vertices is obtained. 

T-irreducible extension for union of paths and cycles

 A graphH with nodes is an extension of a graph G with nnodes if each maximal subgraph of H contains G. Trivial extension of a graph G is the connection of graph G and the singleton graph (i.e. we add one node to the graph G and this node join with each node of G). T-irreducible extension of graph G is an extension of the graph G which is obtained by removing maximal set of edges from the trivial extension of G. One of T-irreducible extensions is constructed for an arbitrary union of cycles and paths. 

Ordered automata and tolerant images of FDA

Finite deterministic automaton (FDA) with partially ordered (an ordered automaton) sets of states, input and output symbols is described in the article. The mapping of FDA on an ordered automaton, which is named "p-morphism" is defined. It is shown that so called tolerant images, which are constructed with the help of compatible tolerances on the set of states of FDA, are particular case of ordered automata, which are connected with the original automaton by a p-morphism.

Using parallel computing technologies for modeling of metallic photonic crystals

This article presents opportunities of using parallel computing technologies Message Passing Interface and Open Computing Language for modeling of metallic photonic crystals with the method of Green's functions and integral equations. The efficiency of these technologies is analized and the results are presented.