Computer Sciences

The parallel variant of conditional optimization algorithm with Box complex method

This article presents the results of the adaptation algorithm for global extremum searching with presence explicit and implicit constraints complex method created by Box for systems of the distributed and parallel computing. The optimal count of nodes of computing system from the point of view of reliability a global extremum finding and time of its search is defined.

Affine transformations of geometrical images of finite automata

A subclass of affine transformations on the set of geometrical images of finite automata is investigated. The results about the characteristics and the form of these transformations are described. 

Mathematical and сomputer modeling of nonlinear waves dynamics in a coaxial physically nonlinear shells with viscous incompressible fluid between them

This study focuses on the analysis of nonlinear wave propagation deformations in the elastic physically nonlinear coaxial cylindrical shells containing a viscous incompressible fluid between them. Wave processes in an elastic cylindrical shell without interacting with fluid were previously studied from the standpoint of the theory of solitons. The presence of fluid required developing a new mathematical model and computer modeling of processes occurring in the system.