сонная артерия

Hemodynamics and Mechanical Behavior of Pathologically Tortuous Carotid Arteries

The numerical analysis of blood flow through anatomically real healthy and pathologically tortuous bifurcation of human carotid was carried out. Experimental velocity field data in carotid bifurcation were obtained using noninvasive technology. 3D computer models based on computer tomogram were built. The material of the wall is assumed to be linear isotropic.

Biomechanics of Human Carotid Artery with Pathological Tortuosity

Pathological tortuosity of carotid artery ranks second among the causes of cerebro-vascular insufficiency. In their previous researches

authors have described the influence of pathological tortuosity type on carotid artery behaviour. In this article we discuss the influence

of different anatomic (bending angle, bulb size) and rheological factors on haemodynamics and stress-strain state of carotid artery

with pathological tortuosity. Decreasing of the bending angle leads to blood volume reduction in brain and possible formation of