Kossovich Leonid Yurevich

Saratov State University 1,
Saratov State University, Russia, 410012, Saratov, Astrahanskaya st., 83
Professor Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1989)president@sgu.ru, nano-bio@sgu.ruPhone: +7 (8452) 51 - 51 - 94
Fax: +7 (8452) 27 - 85 - 29
Author's articles
- Biomechanics of Human Carotid Artery with Pathological Tortuosity
- Asymptotic integration of dynamic elasticity theory equations in the case of multilayered thin shell
- Antisymmetric Higher Order Edge Waves in Plates
- Edge Waves in Plates with Fixed Faces and Various Boundary Conditions on the Front Edge
- All-Russian Conference «III Session of Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences on Solid Mechanics»
- 18th International Saratov Winter School “Contemporary Problems of Function Theory and Their Applications”
- Asymptotic Methods in Dynamics of Shells under Shock Loading
- Mode-Series Expansion of Solutions of Elasticity Problems for a Strip
- An Asymptotic Model for the Far-Field of Rayleigh Wave in Multilayered Plate
- 19th International Saratov Winter School “Contemporary Problems of Function Theory and Their Applications“
- Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Manzhirov (on His 60th Birthday)
- Creation of Three-Dimensional Solid-State Models of a Spine with Transpedicular Fixation Using a Specialized Software
- Extracting Clinically Relevant Data from Biomechanical Modeling of Surgical Treatment Options for Spinal Injury in Damaged Vertebrae Th10, Th11
- Asymptotic methods for obtained solutions in vicinities of wave fronts in viscoelastic rod at large time
- Influence of Convolution Kernel and Beam-Hardening Effect on the Assessment of Trabecular Bone Mineral Density Using Quantitative Computed Tomography