комбинированные динамические системы

Learning Neural Network Controllers for Stabilizing Hybrid Dynamic Systems

Control modules based on artificial neural networks (NN) are often used for controlling objects with lumped parameters. Controled objects in such systems have finite set of natural oscillation frequencies.

Adaptive Algorithm of Parametric Synthesis of Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) are connected by means of the boundary conditions and the constraint’s conditions systems of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations with the corresponding initial conditions. Under the parametric synthesis we understand the algorithm for selecting parameters of feedbacks of controlled HDS, providing the required quality of transients.

Analyticity Conditions of Characteristic and Disturbing Quasipolynomials of Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) are connected by means of the boundary conditions and the constraint’s conditions systems of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations with the corresponding initial conditions. Check the stability of HDS can be performed on the basis of the "fast"algorithm for the application which requires analytic characteristic and disturbing quasipolynomials of HDS in the right half-plane and near the imaginary axis.

Выбор оптимальных параметров комбинированных динамических систем

Предложено новое доказательство некоторых теорем об устойчивостикомбинированныхдинамическихсистемиразвитметод ихпараметрическогосинтезанапримерезадачиопрограммном развороте космического аппарата наблюдения. 

On stability theory of autonomous angular stabilization system for combined dynamical systems

Studied the effect on the stability of the longitudinal acceleration discretely-continuum model of single-channel angular stabilization system with of delayed argument. Methods of construction asymptotic stability areas and analysis of impulse transition functions are developed. The critical values of the longitudinal acceleration are defined.