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Snigerev B. A., Aliev K. M., Tazyukov F. K. Creeping Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid with Free Surface at Non-Isothermal Condition. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2011, vol. 11, iss. 3, pp. 89-94. DOI:


Creeping Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid with Free Surface at Non-Isothermal Condition


Numerical simulation flow of viscoelastic fluid with free surface, which is realized in entrance and output flow in extrusion die was performed. The flow of liquid is described by equations of conservation of mass, momentum and thermal energy with rheological constitutive equation of Giesekesus. On basis of finite element method the stable numerical scheme was developed to solve this problem. Different numerical experiments was performed to define the configuration of outflow jet in various regimes and construction of die. The distribution of flow velocity fields, pressure and temperature are investigated on dependence of heating the walls. Theratio of extrusion in dependence of parameters the rheological model are investigated.


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