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Navasardyan K. A. On the Representation of Functions by Absolutely Convergent Series by H -system. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 49-61. DOI:

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On the Representation of Functions by Absolutely Convergent Series by H -system


The paper deals with the representation of absolutely convergent series of functions in spaces of homogeneous type. The definition of a system of Haar type (H-system) associated to a dyadic family on a space of homogeneous type X is given in the Introduction. It is proved that for almost everywhere (a.e.) finite and measurable on a set  X  function f there exists an absolutely convergent series by the system H, which converges to  f  a.e. on  X . From this theorem, in particular, it follows that if H = {h_n}  is a generalized Haar system generated by a bounded sequence {p_k}, then for any a.e. finite on  [0,1]  and measurable function f there exists an absolutely convergent series in the system {h_n}, which converges a.e. to  f (x). It is also proved, that if X is a bounded set, then one can change the values of an a.e. finite and measurable function on a set of arbitrary small measure such that the Fourier series of the obtained function with respect to system H will converge uniformly. The paper results are obtained using the methods of metrical functions theory.


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