биомеханическое моделирование

Extracting Clinically Relevant Data from Biomechanical Modeling of Surgical Treatment Options for Spinal Injury in Damaged Vertebrae Th10, Th11

Two three-dimensional geometric solid-state models of the Th7-L1 spinal segment (Model 1, Model 2) with metal construction were built. Models include the vertebrae Th7, Th8, Th9, Th10, Th11, Th12, L1, intervertebral discs, facet joints and ligaments, and metal construction elements. In Model 1, the cortical and spongy layers are constructed by three-dimensional solids, facet joints and intervertebral discs by three-dimensional bodies, ligaments by one-dimensional objects.

Creation of Three-Dimensional Solid-State Models of a Spine with Transpedicular Fixation Using a Specialized Software

Biomechanical experiments are widely used to study the mechanical characteristics of spinal elements under various types of loading. The correct construction of three-dimensional models is especially important for studying the behavior of the spine after surgery, for example, the installation of fixing metal structures. There are several approaches to modeling each anatomical component of the spinal column. It is generally accepted to construct vertebral bodies of a simulated spinal segment based on the results of computed tomography.