
Two-Mode Branching Extremals of Smooth Functionals with Homogeneous Features of the Sixth Order in Minima Points

A description of Fredholm functionals extremal distribution, bifurcating from minima points with two-dimensional degeneration and features of the sixth order is given. The main illustrating exampleistheproblemofheterogeneouscrystalferroelectricphases branching (based on helical model). We use modified Lyapunov – Schmidt method ( reduction to key function on Rn), equipped with the elements of singularities theory of smooth functions. Emphasis is put on key function with square symmetry.

Covariant field equations and d-tensors of hyperbolic thermoelastic continuum with fine microstructure

A non-linear mathematical model of hyperbolic thermoelastic continuum with fine microstructure is proposed. The model is described in terms of 4-covariant field theoretical formalism. Fine microstructure is represented by d-tensors, playing role of extra field variables. A Lagrangian density for hyperbolic thermoelastic continuum with fine microstructure is given and the corresponding least action principle is formulated. 4-covariant field equations of hyperbolic thermoelasticity are obtained. Constitutive equations of microstructural hyperbolic thermoelasticity are discussed.