метод конечных элементов

Hermite Interpolation on a Simplex

In the paper, we solve the problem of polynomial interpolation and approximation functions of several variable sonann dimensional simplex in the uniform normus ingpoly nomials of the third degree.Wechoose interpolation conditions in terms of derivatives in the directions of the edges of a simplex. In the same terms we obtained estimates of the deviation of derivatives of polynomial from the corresponding derivatives of an interpolated function under the assumption that the interpolated function has continuous directional derivatives up to the fourth order inclusive.

Application of Program Complex ANSYS to Calculation of the Thick-Walled Pipeline Which is Exposed to High-Temperature Local Hydrogen Corrosion

The way of application of program complex ANSYS to the decision of problems of calculation of the is intense-deformed condition and destruction of the cylindrical constructive element which is in conditions of non-uniform hydrogen corrosion is considered.

About Realisation of Finite-Element Modeling in Problems of an Osteosynthesis on Cluster Systems of SSU

In this article we describe the optimized cluster version of a package of finite-element modeling. This project titled «Development of Computational and information technologies using computer modeling on parallel computing complexes for traumatological and surgical evaluations to enable efficient diagnostic and medical recommendations».

Hemodynamics and Mechanical Behavior of Pathologically Tortuous Carotid Arteries

The numerical analysis of blood flow through anatomically real healthy and pathologically tortuous bifurcation of human carotid was carried out. Experimental velocity field data in carotid bifurcation were obtained using noninvasive technology. 3D computer models based on computer tomogram were built. The material of the wall is assumed to be linear isotropic.

Analysis of Healthy and Pathological Human Willis Circle Arteries

The aim of this research is to explain initiation, growth and rupture processes of intracranial aneurysms from the mechanical point of view. Results of mechanical testing experiments of intracranial arteries segments are presented, method of obtaining hyperelastic material constants is described. Several boundary problems which simulate blood flow through the arteries were solved with the help of finite element method.


The new approach to investigation of multilayer graphene mechanical properties by the finite-element method

A new approach to investigate the mechanical properties of multilayer graphene was suggested. The method is based on the idea that the van der Waals interaction between the graphene sheets can be simulated by a fictitious layer of continuum. The stress-strain state of multilayer graphene is described by stationary equations of Navier–Lame. This approach has been successfully tested on graphene deflection. The graphene layers were considered as linear-elastic material.

Local effects of the weak thermogravitational convective flows

The features of the natural low intensity thermo-gravitational convection occurring in microacceleration condition have been investigated numerically. The effect of thermal boundary conditions on the local characteristics of temperature field has also been studied. It was shown that the value of maximum temperature stratification depends monotonically on the intensity of heat transfer at the system boundaries.